On Saturday, my first full day at home, we went to a local vet for a free physical checkup. Mom and Dad didn't know to bring any of my 'samples', not that I'd provided many. My new doctor, a graduate of Ohio State University Veterinary School, gave me a quick look-over, checked my sutures and set up my vaccination schedule and appointments. Afterwards, we returned home and took a walk around the neighborhood. So far, I'd been doing my business outside, a routine I was familiar with. But bitter cold weather was on the way and walks might not be possible the next day.
The forecast sent Mom and Dad into action. He parked one car outside, and she laid out training pads over most of the vacated space. Sixteen or more sheets covering a space almost as big as my room at the shelter. Training would begin the next time I needed to go.
My first attempt came the next morning, Sunday. It was a twofer and Mom and Dad were overjoyed when I managed to hit the 'target'. Mom says until I arrived, she'd always gagged at the sight of 💩. Before she met Dad, for several years she lived in Japan with her younger sister and her three dogs; she had many chances to gag! But on this morning, her maternal instincts took control and, overcoming her aversion, she trained her eagle eyes on my output…
Panic ensued when she spotted the 🪱 🪱🪱wriggling about. I must've picked them up at the shelter! After the excitement died down, Mom took a photo of the worms. Then Dad bagged them up and found the address for a 24-hour pet emergency hospital. Into the car we went. Traffic was light, and in less than 15 minutes, we were waiting to meet the doctor. Turned out he was my other doctor's roommate in veterinary school. He told Mom and Dad not to worry too much. What I had was easy to treat, and he promised to send a report to my other doctor so he could conduct a follow-up test. All of us were relieved.
Back at home, after dinner, Mom prepared the medicine and fed it to me with a plastic hypodermic. Then we relaxed in the family room and watched TV. The Thanksgiving holiday break was nearly over. At the outset, I found myself all alone in the world. Then Mom and Dad rescued me and my new life began in Dublin. Come Monday, however, Mom and Dad had to go to work. How were they going to manage? Mom decided on the spot to call in sick, postponing the day of reckoning by one day. But what would happen on Tuesday?
Tune in next time for more exciting Tales.